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Best World International Limited
Annual Report 2011
Best World International Limited
Annual Report 2011
Communication with Shareholders
Principle 14: Companies should engage in regular, effective and fair communication with shareholders.
The Company endeavors to communicate regularly, effectively and fairly with its shareholders.
The Company communicates information to its shareholders on a timely basis through:
Disclosures to SGXNET and press releases on major developments of the Group;
The Group’s website at from which shareholders can access. The website provides
all publicly disclosed fnancial information, corporate announcements, press releases and the annual report;
Annual reports which are prepared and issued to all shareholders;
Share investor online portal which provides the Company’s share updates and all publicly disclosed
information, and
Shareinvestor forum that publishes updated investors’ relations information.
In addition, the Company communicates regularly with investors and analysts via half yearly results briefng as
well as via ad-hoc meetings and teleconferences in offce.
Principle 15: Companies should encourage greater shareholder participation at AGMs, and allow shareholders
the opportunity to communicate their views on various matters affecting the company.
The Annual General Meeting is the principal forum for dialogue with shareholders. There is an open question
and answer session at which shareholders may raise questions or share their views regarding the proposed
resolutions and the Company’s businesses and affairs.
In addition, the Chairman of the respective committees and the external auditors will be present at the AGM to
address any queries from the shareholders.
Dealing In Securities
The Company has adopted the requirements in SGX-ST’s Rule 1207
applicable to dealings in the Company’s
securities by its Directors, management and offcers. Directors, management and offcers of the Group who have
access to price-sensitive, fnancial or confdential information are prohibited to deal in the Company’s shares
during the period commencing two
weeks before the annoucement of the Company’s fnancial statements
for each of the frst three quarters of its fnancial year and one month before the annoucement of the Company’s
full year fnancial statements.
Directors, management and offcers of the Group are also advised to observe insider trading laws at all times
even when dealing in the Company’s securities within the permitted trading period. In addition, the Directors,
management and offcers of the Group are discouraged from dealing in the Company’s securities on short-term
Interested Person Transactions Policy
The Company has adopted an internal policy governing procedures for the identifcation, approval and monitoring
of transactions with interested persons. All interested person transactions
are subject to review by the AC
every quarterly to ensure that the relevant rules in Chapter 9 of the Listing Manual of SGX-ST are complied with.
Pursuant to Rule 907 of the Listing Manual of SGX-ST, transactions entered into with interested persons during
the fnancial year are as follows:
Immediate family member of Dr Doreen Tan Nee Moi
Currently, the Company is not required to have a general mandate from its shareholders in relation to IPT as the
aggregate value of IPT transactions is below the threshold level as set out in the Listing Manual of the SGX-ST.
Material Contracts
There were no material contracts entered into by the Company or any of its subsidiaries involving the interest
of the Board or controlling shareholders.
For The Year Ended 2011
Name of Interested Person
Aggregate value of all interested
person transactions during
the fnancial year under review
excluding transactions less
than $100,000 and transactions
conducted under shareholders’
mandate pursuant to Rule 920
Aggregate value of all interested
person transactions conducted
under shareholders’ mandate
pursuant to Rule 920
transaction less than $100,000
Pek Cheng Seng Richard
-Freelance Commission Paid